What We Believe

As a ministry rooted in the gospel, we seek to shape a culture where young adults can experience the truth of God's Word, grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and live intentionally in their workplaces and schools.

YAC is a monthly gathering for all young adults (post-high school through 20s). If you are a college student or young adult looking for a gospel-centered community with others your age, join us at our monthly gatherings for an evening of fellowship, teaching, and connection at Legacy Bible Church.  We are excited to see this generation eager for community, hungry for sound Bible teaching, and desirous of more as you grow in your faith and walk with the Lord.

Outside of our monthly gatherings, this group enjoys getting together to play pickleball, hanging out, grabbing coffee, or serving as we grow connections with each other.

We encourage every young adult & college student to join a multigenerational Life Group as a way to grow in authentic community. Click here to learn more! 

Questions? Contact Men’s Director Kris for more information.