Our desire is to motivate and empower our body to engage the world with the gospel through missions. We support local as well as world missions efforts that strategically and powerfully proclaim the message of the Savior while also meeting practical needs with the love of the Savior. Our hope is that as we will embody a missional lifestyle both at home and abroad. Click here to download our Philosophy of Missions document.
Diaconate (benevolence) exists to meet the needs of individuals in their time of hardship with the goal of restoration.
Contact the church at (903)-892-1476 for more details.
Give Hope Now partners with Sherman ISD by preparing weekend food pack for students.
As of 2023, 19,000 food sacks were packed and delivered, 10,000 items were put in food sacks, and 38,000 ziplock bags were used for cookies and bread.
Contact Jim Lugannani at jb.lugannani@gmail.com for more details.
Beauty for Ashes provides an opportunity to learn, educate, and perform outreach events surrounding human trafficking in the North Texas area.
As of 2023, 67 victims were recovered out of 72 cases and gained 43 new outreach trainees.
Contact Mike Henry at michael_d_henry@yahoo.com for more details.
A clinic serving women who are concerned about an unplanned pregnancy by helping with the challenges they face, both pre-natal and post-natal.
Visit https://www.shermanpregnancy.com/ for more information.
Four Rivers is an outreach center that provides help for those who have life-controlling problems such as alcohol, drug abuse, and homelessness.
Visit https://fourivers.org/ for more information.
Share Ministries is a food bank and outreach center that serves those in need by providing food pick-up times throughout the week.
Visit https://shareministriessherman.org/ for more information.
MasterKey is a non-profit organization that helps local families in need by helping them overcome educational, physical, and spiritual obstacles.
As of 2023, there was 2,000,000+ lbs of food distributed.
Visit https://masterkeyministries.org/ for more information.
Grayson County Jail Ministries provides an opportunity to offer inspiration, hope, and a future to the inmates in this area.
Contact Mike Ball at ballfarms@hotmail.com for more information.